El SalvadorEl Salvador
ISBN 978-99961-366-1-0

Priest Coto's revolution

Autor:Ventura Rodríguez, Darío
Colaborador:Herrera Silva, Renee Orlando (Traducido por)
Editorial:Imagine Editorial
Materia:Novelística salvadoreña
Clasificación:Biografías, literatura y estudios literarios
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:236
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o rústica


Father Coto in his youth lives an existential crisis, which leads him to question his investiture, in those years he meets Abigail Delgado, daughter of a landowner; they have fallen in love. He knows that time passes and that love is not selfish, he understands that his love is for an entire nation that has been a prisoner of military dictatorships, his life takes a turn when he adopts the THEOLOGY OF LIBERATION, this makes him recognize the mission of his life, serving the most unprotected and helpless in his country, he supports the organizations that will make the political-military-religious revolution in El Salvador, his leadership does not go down well in Rome, even so he continues to travel the country strengthening the structures of the communities ecclesial base to indoctrinate them and prepare them for the defense and seizure of power through the revolution.
12 years of civil war leads to a peace negotiation, many social problems are still pending to be resolved in the postwar period.
At the end of his life he leaves a town near peace.


4a. C. Ote. y Ave. Monseñor Oscar A Rom. Sur # 124 / Tel. 2281-23-78