El SalvadorEl Salvador
ISBN 978-99961-302-8-1

Study, take off and fly
evaluation of oportunidades a, a program by the Gloria de Kriete fundation

Autor:Araujo, Jorge
Rovira, Carolina
Salamanca, Álvaro
Editorial:Escuela Superior de Economía y Negocios (ESEN)
Materia:Educación superior
Clasificación:Enseñanza superior, estudios avanzados
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:74
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o rústica


This document is the second in the CONOCIENDO series. This collection aims to present critical evaluations of projects and programs in the educational area to Salvadoran society, designed and implemented by civil society, that could serve as inspiration for the design and implementation of public policies.
The Foundation for Higher Education (Fundación de Estudios Superiores) is committed to the evidence-based discussion of issues related to education in its broader definition. For this reason, this second document chooses the experience of the Oportunidades program of the Gloria de Kriete Foundation, a complementary school program for academically talented young people with limited resources, that accompanies them up to 8 years, from the beginning of high school until they have access to the labor market. This publication documents a proposal that
values and promotes individual resilience through avant-garde and holistic education.


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