El SalvadorEl Salvador
ISBN 978-99961-2-695-6

8 egos at work
a handbook to better leadership and a happier, more productive life at work and anywhere else

Autor:Cerna López, Miguel Angel
Editorial:Cerna López, Miguel Angel
Materia:Gerencia de personal (Gerencia de recursos humanos)
Clasificación:Estudios empresariales: generalidades
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:2
Número de páginas:0
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


The content of this handbook comes from several sources. First, field observations conducted during thirty-five years, twenty of which I have carefully documented. During this period of time period I
have carried out different tasks and responsibilities within varied organizational contexts in collaboration with people from a wide range of cultures. A second source for the writing of this handbook
is theories and concepts from different areas of study including behavioral science in general, cognitive behavioral psychology, relationshi ps psychology, social psychology, organizational behavior,
culture, management, human resources, human conflict, and communication among others. Why so many fields? The answer is simple: because human and organizational lives are a complex mix
of many seemingly unrelated factors. Focusing only on one aspect leads to very unclear and inaccurate assumptions at best. This handbook is not exhaustive in such respect, but every effort has been made
to include, to varying degrees, the different elements that influence the ego actions and reactions I present. And the third source –perhaps the most important one– for generating this content comes from opinions and comments provided by professionals just like you, the reader, who wake up early in the morning to go to work whether in a physical or cyber space. People who hope that today will be a good day. People who, on a daily basis, deal with so much baggage affecting their emotions and
work processes, and yet try to perform at their best. People who sometimes go home frustrated due to an impossible person they had to deal with at work. This applies to business owners, employees at any
type of organization or hierarchical levels as well as freelancers. This handbook is not an academic paper matching intention of this publication is not to list, support or reject theories or experts’ opinions. Rather, the intent is to present one of the key factors affecting relationships at work and anywhere else: The ego, from a perspective never presented before.


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